Wiki Discharge?


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
I have a chart note I'm reviewing and one physician did the CPR where he then pronounced the patient dead, this is dictated on one note.

But then I have another note where another physician did the discharge summary.

Who gets credit for the discharge.

I'm thinking the one who did the CPR and pronounced the patient dead gets the credit. But he didn't do the discharge summary.

Can someone clear this up for me.

Thank You
Since the pronouncement of death requires face-to-face, it appears the 1st physician should receive credit since there was face-to-face; however, this would require him to complete the paperwork...

Hospital Discharge Management and Death Pronouncement

Only the physician who personally performs the pronouncement of death shall bill for the face-to-face Hospital Discharge Day Management Service, CPT code 99238 or 99239. The date of the pronouncement shall reflect the calendar date of service on the day it was performed even if the paperwork is delayed to a subsequent date.
Doctors in same practice?

If both physicians are in the same practice and of the same specialty then they are considered "one person." The paperwork is already done. I would code it to the physician who personally pronounced the patient.

By the way there is no documentation standard for discharge day management ... other than you note amount of time greater than 30 minutes if you are going to use 99239.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC