Wiki Discharge Summary Dictated by Another Physician, Same Practice - Help!


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Does anyone know what to do when 1) Patient is seen at the hospital by Dr. A for three days (Dr. A goes out of town for the weekend and Dr. B--in same practice as Dr. A--takes over). Dr. B Discharges the patient. Which doctor dictates the Discharge Summary and which doctor bills the Discharge Summary??

Here is the issue: Dr. B states that since Dr. A admitted the patient, Dr. A is responsible for doing the Discharge Summary. Dr. A did not SEE the patient on the last day and did not discharge the patient. So does Dr. B just do a Progress Note and get paid for a Progress Note on the last day?

Dr. A states it is considered a "Gentleman's Courtesy" if Dr. B sees his patient for less than 48 hours, then he does not get credit for the Discharge Summary. We can't find documentation anywhere on what the answer is to this.

Can anyone help?