Wiki Discharge E/M scenario


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If an MD does the discharge summary the day before discharge and then sees the patient the day of discharge with a total time spent of 40 minutes over two days can we code the more than 30 minute discharge E/M code?
Conservative side of me says...

not to do so, because the CPT description for Hospital Discharge Services state that the code is to be utilized "to report all services provided to a patient on the DATE OF DISCHARGE" (caps mine for emphasis). But maybe that is just me.
That was my first thought, but then I read in Primary Care Coding & Reimbursement, September 2011 that if face-to-face discharge services are performed the day before the patient is discharged use discharge codes. It states discharge services don't have to occur on the date the patient is discharged. That being said, what if they do the dicharge services over two days, spending 30 minutes one day and 10 the following? Can we code for 40 minutes of service?