Wiki Discharge and Admit same day


Wadena, MN
Best answers
If a patient is discharged after a hospital stay, and then admitted 2 hours later can the Admission/Discharge codes be chosen to use. (99234,99235 or 99236) I have read the guidlines it does not say that this can not be done.

I am just curious if anyone can tell me why this would not be correct, or give me a reason why it is not acceptable.

Thank you for your help in advance.:)
What an interesting scenario.

I don't have an answer, but let me pose this question. What will happen when the patient is discharge the next day or next few days and you need to bill out the discharge for the second admission?
Discharge and admit same day

I have always thought of these codes when the patient was first admitted then discharged on the same date, not in the above scenario.

Because the patient was admitted within 24 hours of being discharged, can you combine your notes to a progress note (99231-99233) and continue the care until the patient is discharged.