Wiki Disapontment with HCCS


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Just wanted to share and see if anyone else had this happen. I applied @ hccs and got e.mail about the test, loged on answered questions, day I get e.mail oh you passed need to schedule interview. I spoke with the girl she asked basic questions very nice perso ality and said ok il, pass this to HR so I amthinking who are you and why you are not HR...2 days later I hear from hr via e.mail sorry all positions are filled. Ok I said thanks hold my resume for future. She e.mails me next day oh we have position now opening I said at lets talk.welll the talk lasted 3 minutes.Very ni e toned voice lady spoke but she wasnt being nice at all said are yiu currently working? I was surprised by the question as we went over this just 2 days ago with this other person gnat i thought was from HR i said yes . So why you want to leave? Agai. Sjrprised but explained to ner also like i had before... and third question how much yoh make once i told her she said oh no most we do iz 18 / hr. I said ok thats not going to work. Oh i mentioned i have 3 coding lisences she said oh i am very well aware ofthat. Does anyone else know about hccs and thier practices but when HR sets a tone like this woman did its not encouraging to the future employee.