Wiki Direct Admits


Birmingham, AL
Best answers
Hello all, I have a question about Direct Admits. I've been getting different responses. Here's 1 scenario, if its a direct admit, no other tests done in the ER, what level would you bill or would you bill it at all?
Hello all, I have a question about Direct Admits. I've been getting different responses. Here's 1 scenario, if its a direct admit, no other tests done in the ER, what level would you bill or would you bill it at all?

It honestly depends... was the patient seen by the ER physician at all? Were any drugs administered or hep locks started? Need more information to correctly answer this question.
If no face-to-face and documentation by the ED provider, there is nothing to bill on the professional ED side.

On the facility side, there may be a billable service depending on nursing documentation.