Wiki Direct Admit


Zephyrhills, FL
Best answers
I know this question has been addressed before in the forum but I have just a slight twist that I am not sure about. OK, here goes; Our Pulmonologist does not go to the hospital to see patients any more so when he has a patient that needs to be a direct admit from his office he sends the patient to the hospital to be admitted by one of our Hospitalist who then takes care of the patient during their stay.
The question is, can the Pulmonologist bill for his E/M or is this part of the direct admit by the Hospitalist?
Thank You for your help with this question and also can you show me where I can find this information.
I would say bill for his E/M, but if you find different information, please let me know and thanks!
I agree with maddismom, I would bill the office E/M. Your provider is not seeing the patient in the hospital.