Wiki Digital Subtraction Angio of Renals


Marrero, LA
Best answers
I am not sure how to code for DSA of renals.

Procedures: R/LHC, coronaries, left ventriculogram, aortic root angiogram and digital subtraction angiogram of the renals.

The report in summary:

...Swanz-Ganz catheter was advanced to the right heart, where pressures were recorded. Cardiac output was determined using the thermodilation method. A 6-French JL-4 was then advanced to the ascending aorta, cannulating the left coronary ostium where angiograms were obtained in multiple projections. This was then exchanged for a no-torque right, which was used to cannulatethe right coronary ostium where angiograms were obtained in multiple projections. This was then exchanged for a 6-French angled pigtail which was advanced to the left ventricle and withdrawn to the aortic root, where an LV-gram and aortic root angiogram were obtained. A pigtail was brought down to the abdomen where DSA of the renals was obtained.

RHC: R atrial pressure 20. RV 16/24. PA 59/29 with mean of 42. Wedge pressure 28. Cardiac output 5.2. Cardiac index 3.1. Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure 30.

LV-gram: revealed hyperdynamic left ventricle greater than 75% with elevated end-diastolic pressure of 30. No MR. Aortic root normal. There was about 2 to 3+ AI noted. The left ventricle was not dilated.

Renal arteries revealed normal renals and mild disease of the infrarenal aorta.

(Report goes on to describe findings of coronary angio)

Here is what I have: 93460-26; 93567

How do I code the digital subtraction angio of the renals??

Thanks for all your help!
The DSA part doesn't affect coding - it means digital subtraction angiogram. This is just a non-selective renal angiogram done at the time of a heart cath, so code G0275.

(many years ago DSA did affect coding because it was a process done in the darkroom and so was coded separately, now DSA is just done with a flip of the switch)