Wiki Digit or Palm ???


Pensacola , Florida
Best answers

1. Retained foreign material left palm.
2. Soft tissue tumor left third finger.

1. Excision of retained metallic fragment left palm.
2. Excisional biopsy soft tissue tumor of left third finger.

A transverse incision was made over the digital palmar flexion crease of left third finger. Cutaneous flaps were developed. A yellow brown rubbery material was found surrounding a metallic fragment. This appeared to be adjacent to but not associated with the flexor tendon sheath. The radial and ulnar digital nerves were intimately associated with this. These were carefully dissected bluntly to remove a large fibrous tissue with the metallic fragment. Once removed, the wound was irrigated and loosely closed with 4-0 Prolene. The digit was blocked with 0.5% Marcaine. Attention was then directed towards the distal soft tissue mass. First, the dorsal one was approached through a longitudinal incision. The cutaneous flaps were developed. A yellow to red material was identified with extension along the extensor tendon sheath and dorsal branch of the radial digital nerve. This was dissected and had attachments to the palmar soft tissue mass and the stalk once identified was traced to the palmar side where an oblique incision was made. We elevated the skin and then removed the both palmar and dorsal soft tissue masses. These were lobulated and appeared to have hemorrhagic component to the nerve and sent for specimen in one container as they did have association in the finger. Once completely irrigated, the wounds were closed with 5-0 Prolene. Dry dressing was applied.
The tourniquet was released and the finger pinked up nicely. The patient was transferred to the recovery room in stable condition.

Is this a digit code or palm ? I think digit ... 20525 F2
I am being told Palm finger modifier ?

and second procedure I have 26116 F2

Please help me understand if I am missing it ...

Thanks !
20525 can be used for any part of the body--its not body specific. I did look at the modifier crosswalk and interestingly enough it did not have any of the F or T modifiers...nor did it included RT/LT.