Wiki Difference between Independent Clinic (POS 49) vs Office place of service (POS 11)

POS 49 - A location, not part of a hospital and not described by any other Place of Service code,that is organized and operated to providepreventive, diagnostic, therapeutic,rehabilitative, or palliative services to outpatients only. It is a clinic that is not part of a hospitaland is for outpatient treatment (palliative service, rehabilitative service, therapeutic service, diagnostic service and preventive service)
. The employees in this type ofpractice will be able to act under general or direct supervision of thetreating practitioner who is managing patient care. This means incidentto billing can occur, which has an impact on the remote patient monitoring(RPM) codes. This also affects whether or not certain Chronic Care Management(CCM)15 services can be billed. This can be an originating site for Medicare services if eligible under HRSAguidelines, as well as a distant site. Note that Remote Physiological Monitoring and CCM do not fallunder geographic restrictions, as they are not “telehealth.”
POS 11 - Location, other than a hospital, skilled nursingfacility (SNF), military treatment facility,community health center, State or local publichealth clinic, or intermediate care facility (ICF),where the health professional routinely provideshealth examinations, diagnosis, and treatment ofillness or injury on an ambulatory basis.

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