Wiki Difference between Dupuytren and tenosynovitis

+26125 is add-on code to be used with 26123.
Per CPT Lay Descriptions:
26123 reads: The physician removes part of the palmar fascia (fasciectomy) and flexor tendons at the PIP joint are released (release of a single digit). Physician incises the overlying skin and subcu tissue. Palmar fascia exposed and resected. Tendon sheaths are freed. Incision is sutured in layers if possible. Z-plasties are performed or skin grafts obtained to close wound if necessary.
The add-on 26125 is used to report release of additional digits.
CPT code 26055: The physician makes incision in a tendon sheath to release tension in the tendon (i.e. used to relieve trigger finger). Physician incises the skin overlying the tendon and dissects to the tendon sheath. The sheath is incised lengthwise. Incision is sutured in layers.
Hope this helps!