Wiki Dictation question

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Is it unethical for us to ask the doctor not to sign off on his dictation until we, the coders, have read it? Sometimes they miss an important word or phrase that makes the difference on whether we can bill for something. We usually just bring it to his attention and he fixes it and then signs off. Some of our doctors are afraid of addendums, they are afraid they may be viewed as doing something fraudlent if they correct things after the report has been signed off. I don't agree with this as the things they correct are not used to upcharge or unbundle or anything like that....the changes are to clarify the dictation.


Is it unethical for us to ask the doctor not to sign off on his dictation until we, the coders, have read it? Sometimes they miss an important word or phrase that makes the difference on whether we can bill for something. We usually just bring it to his attention and he fixes it and then signs off. Some of our doctors are afraid of addendums, they are afraid they may be viewed as doing something fraudlent if they correct things after the report has been signed off. I don't agree with this as the things they correct are not used to upcharge or unbundle or anything like that....the changes are to clarify the dictation.



It isn't fraudulent if they repair, addend etc before the bill is generated, and even after, if the claim is also corrected.

HTH :)