Wiki diagnostic imaging

Pike Road, AL
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could someone please help?? I am trying to locate information concerning the hearth caths being performed in an outpatient hospital setting. My doctors perform the complete global package for Heath Catherization. There is no supervising someone else doing this procedure. I have always coded the heart cath with a 26 modifier. Now the accounting firm auditor is stating that even though the doctors do the global package we can only file the procedure with a 26 modifier and the techinical component is what the hospital bills. need help on this.

for example right now i am coding the left heart cath as 93458. the auditor is stating that it should be 93458-26
If your physician is doing a heart cath in the hospital then you would bill with a 26 modifier. If you own your own cath lab and they are doing the cath in this situation then you would bill the global.