Wiki Diagnostic Angiogram Question


Santa Clara, CA
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Hello, if a patient with uterine fibroids prior diagnosis from ultrasound is seen now for embolization of uterine artery, can I not bill for the angiograms of the selective catheterizations?

I see many IR resources stating prior CTA and MRA tests are diagnostic because of the contrast used, and we couldn't bill again angiograms for the treatment day (unless condition change, etc).

But ultrasound does not have contrast, so I'm unsure when a prior ultrasound was done if we can bill for diagnostic angiograms on the day of intervention for a uterine artery embolization.

Thank you,
Hello, if a patient with uterine fibroids prior diagnosis from ultrasound is seen now for embolization of uterine artery, can I not bill for the angiograms of the selective catheterizations?

I see many IR resources stating prior CTA and MRA tests are diagnostic because of the contrast used, and we couldn't bill again angiograms for the treatment day (unless condition change, etc).

But ultrasound does not have contrast, so I'm unsure when a prior ultrasound was done if we can bill for diagnostic angiograms on the day of intervention for a uterine artery embolization.

Thank you,

You cannot bill for the angiograms as it is bundled into the UFE code. You may code the catheter placement, which is 36247-50.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC