Wiki ? Diagnosis Sequencing

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Hi all - I'm a fairly new coder and am starting with outpatient ancillary services. The area that I'm struggling with is the sequencing of the dx codes.

Ex: A patient has a lab draw and the diagnoses on the lab req. are:
428.0 (CHF)
427.31 (A-Fib)
272.4 (unspec. hyperlipidemia)
285.9 (unspec. anemia)
278.00 (obesity unspec.)
600.00 (BPH without urinary sx's)
250.00 (DM w/out complication, type II or unspec, type, not stated as controlled)

What is the correct order that the codes should be in? Does it depend on what kind of labs were drawn?

Any input would be GREATLY appreciated! :)

Sara (CPCH-A)
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There is no sequencing needed for Labs on ancillary coding as I have concerned. You can clump all the ordering diagnoses for all labs on that DOS. Please sequence for other charges except labs like Diagnostic radiology, Pap smear, Immunization etc..
