Wiki Diagnosis problem points


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We see patients with Meniere's disease. This disease can causes intermittent hearing loss,dizziness, and ringing in the ears(tinnitus). Can we count the additional diagnosis code,for hearing loss,for example, toward our problem points if the physician is addressing the hearing loss ? Part of me says yes, but I'm not confident this is accurate. Please share any input or resources on this topic.
Meniere's disease

No. As per ICD9-CM, we cannot code signs/symptoms if it is integral part of disease conditions.

M?ni?re's disease also called endolymphatic hydrops, is a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance to a varying degree. It is characterized by episodes of vertigo, low-pitched tinnitus, and hearing loss.

If your provider instructed specifically to code as many as diagnosis (signs/symptoms) additional to primary diagnosis means you can follow that.

Dhaneshmurali PT, CPC
You are trying to paint the best picture of the patient's medical condition on a particular date of service. If one diagnosis code does that, then only use one. If it takes three dx codes to give the best overall picture, the use three. For example, post polio syndrome is specific, but some patients are fairly benign while others may have gait abnormalities, peripheral neuropathy and atrophy. The first patient would get only one dx code while the second patient would have four dx codes.
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