Wiki Diagnosis-If the doc has


True Blue
Smithtown, NY
Best answers
If the doc has diagnosis codes 719.46 and 719.45 (knee + hip pain) on the claim BUT in his assessment it states patient has torn meniscus can claim be released?
The diagnosis code is based on the entire note. If the assessment states knee pain but the exam is torn meniscus then I code the torn meniscus, if the exam states knee pain ans the final assessment is torn meniscus then I code torn meniscus as the pain is a symptom of the definitive diagnosis. It must all hang together.
Example.. I had one note that stated CC-skin rash
the exam state no rashes or abnormalities and no concerns
the assessment said no issues but the plan indicated a cream for the rash.... WHAT RASH! this note went back to the provider.
The note must hold together not just one piece of it.