Wiki diagnosis for vaccines

Immunization/vaccination diagnosis

Yes. V20.2 is correct code.

A note under V20.2 also states 'immunization' under appropriate age.

The CPT codes having two seperate codes for vaccination and immunization, but in ICD-9-CM we can take both same code for child health check-up for immunization/vaccination visit.


Dhanesh M
CTC Vaccines

You can use the V20.2 code however it does makes sense to use the correct ICD9 vaccine codes. In doing soe you can be sure to capture and code correctly for CTC MA & PMAP products.

See links below for CTC guidelines and tables needed to code for CTC.

Hope this helps.
Yes you would code the V 20.2, then you code the vaccine, then the V code for the vaccine. :)
We use the v20.2 on the e&m and we link our vaccines to the appropriate vcode. For example, MMR 90707 linked with v06.4. Hope this helps.
Thank you all. It looks like V20.2 was linked when I entered the code for the vaccine, but it makes sense to have vaccine codes linked to the prophylactic need codes. Maybe different places do it differently? I'm not getting all my questions answered by my coworkers. I hope I'm not making any critical errors.
Figured this out. If the visit is for a well child check, the dx code for the vaccines is V20.2. If the visit is for need for vaccines or something else and vaccines are also needed, the dx codes are the prophylactic need for vaccine codes, V06.4, V06.2, etc.