Wiki Diagnosis Coding Help


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Patient was seen in office to look at their umbiliical incision; patient previously had an umbilicial hernia repair, along with appendectomy done... the incision site revealed no infection and doctor wants a to code it as "healing incision" ... any suggestions for dx code?
It depends

I agree with Debra ... IF ... the patient is in the global post-operative period for a procedure performed by THIS physician. (And the CPT code you'd use in this case is 99024 which carries a $0.00 fee.)

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
The physician did not perform the surgery, does that affect the code then?
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Not really. Why is the patient here to see your physician rather than the one that did the surgery? If they are there for a followup encounter you have to use a V code for follow up. There is no code for healing nicely.
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