Wiki Diagnosis coding help--Please and thank you


Menasha, WI
Best answers
I have two ICD 10 coding questions that we are looking for opinions on how they should be coded...

1. If on a chest x-ray the impression states "lung consolidation" what ICD 10 code would you use? Would you go with the J18.1 even though there is no mention of any type of pneumonia or would you use R91.8?

2. if in a report the impression states "degenerative spondylosis" would you code this as M47.81* or because it says degenerative would you go to the M47.89*?

Thank you and help is greatly appreciated.
1. I would use R91.8 as it is defined as: Other nonspecific abnormal findings of the lung field includes any kind of pulmonary infiltrate not otherwise identified, or a 'shadow' on the lung, which is an area of abnormal lung tissue that is more dense than healthy lung tissue, but nonspecific enough to include a multitude of possible causes.

2. Both M47.81 and M47.89 by definition include the term "degeneration of facet joints". So in this case if you are able to determine that the spondylosis is without myelopathy or radiculopathy then use the more specific code. If not, then M47.89