Wiki Diagnosis Codes


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I have a Pre-OP and Post-Op of: Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis

This is a Complication of the Prosthetic Value due to infection and i need 2 diagnosis codes

I came up with 424.91 & 996.71 ----- but after looking or maybe reading to much into it im second guessing myself with 421.9 & 996.61

can someone please help me.

Thank You
Not an expert but I would use the ICD-9 Code of 996.61 because you "stated" infection in your example. I would use 424.90. If you use 424.91 you would need another code also.
if there was a procedure done then you should have a more specific diagnosis code than 424.90.....that's valve unspecified. Do you know what type of infection it was?? bacterial?? And 996.61 specifically states infection of "heart valve prosthesis" which would be perfect for your situation