Wiki Diagnosis Code - Help!


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Is there an adult diagnosis code for :
Fetal growth retardation with weight unknown *-- P05.9

Here is the scenario but I am not sure how to go about finding the appropriate "adult" code.

Needs to find out what his blood type is
- Is having a baby c intrauterine growth retardation that might be coming early and the mother is an odd blood type.* Mother/baby's provider requests Patient's blood type to assist c baby's care and hopefully determine baby's blood type

Patient is a 20 year old male.

Presumably the mother is Rh negative. So, you're actually looking to code for Rh testing. Z01.83 covers an encounter for blood (Rh) typing.

If there is an Rh incompatibility, the mother would likely get a diagnosis tacked on for that (as it relates to a RhoGAM injection, or similar).

You will need to check with the mother's insurance payer as to whether they will cover the cost or not. If not, you may try billing the father's insurance. If they are both on the same insurance plan, then there shouldn't be any issues.