Wiki Diagnosed New Problem


Central Point, OR
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We often see that a patient comes in for a lab follow-up and the provider dx'd the patient with a new problem. I am trying to figure out how to categorize this in the MDM as it doesn't fall under any of the definitions for number of complexity of problems addressed.

Patient had labs drawn and came back in to review. After reviewing, practitioner dx'd the patient with Hyperlipidemia & Hyperthyroidism when patient does not have any history of this. Practitioner is going to monitor and recheck lab levels in 1 month. How do I categorize those problems?

From the AMA guidelines above, a chronic problem is expected to last at least one year. An acute problem is short-term. Both hyperlipidemia and hyperthyroidism would be considered chronic problems. Even if they have not already existed for a year, it would be expected to last at least a year (more likely for the life of the patient). Unless either problem is SOOOO severe that the provider is considering hospitalization, it generally would not meet high (level 5 for problem). If either problem is rather severe, you might consider one (or both) as a chronic illness with exacerbation, progression or side effects of treatment.
From a practical coding standpoint, whether you consider them 2 chronic stable, or 1 chronic stable and 1 chronic with exacerbation, or 2 chronic with exacerbation, for problems, you are at moderate (level 4 for problem). So I wouldn't sweat exactly how you categorize each one since it will not impact your E/M level.