Wiki Diabetic teaching/training


Dallas, Texas
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We are an OB/Gyn practice. When our OB patients are newly diagnosed with gestational diabetes, our Nursing Supervisor educates/trains them in dietary and medication, including insulin injections. She spends a minimum of thirty minutes. The practice would like to get reimbursed. Is that possible? What CPT code would we use and does anyone know if insurance will pay for this service?
Diabetic coding

does she instruct them in the same visit or is it a separate visit for the evaluation. if it is a separate visit you could use an E/M code for a consultation? I suppose it would depend if they were sent to you with this issue or you as the office were doing the diagnoses. it would be an established patient and you would be preventitive care E/M i think. it could even be coded as test result review with established patient. I would read the notes very carefully. sorry i cant point you in the right direction further. there just needs to be more info.

But yes, if you provide it, it can be coded. just be prepared for medical documentation if needed.