Wiki Diabetic hypoglycemia 250.8?

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Can you use 250.8 by itself? I need to code hypoglycemia in diabetes and there are no manifestations. Thank you!
Due to experiencing this problem sometime this week, it was spoken that I should code 250.82 alone! Even though it wasn't stated to be uncontrolled, due to being hypoglycemia is stating uncontrolled itself!
Do not code 250.82. The doctor needs to document the manifestation and whether or not it's uncontrolled. The proper code for this unspecific description is 250.00.

The only linkage you may assume is between HTN and CKD. Everything else needs the doctor to link them.

Remember to ALWAYS down-code when specification is not available.

I hope this helps.
you can code 250.8x for diabetic hypoglycemia as long as that is what is documented in the visit note. There is not a manifestation code to go with it. It is usually miscoded as 251.2. (hypoglycemia in non-diabetics)