Wiki Diabetic examination and coding method of control


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One of my MD's heard that for Type 2 diabetic patients he no longer had to use an additional code to identify control from diagnosis codes:
insulin Z79.4 ; oral antidiabetic drugs Z79.84 ; oral hypoglycemic drugs Z79.84 .
The ICD10 book states for those patients one of these codes should be included. Has anyone received an update regarding a change in using these
No changes that i'm aware of regarding long term use dx codes. It was expanded from insulin only because there weren't enough codes. Not sure why it would be expanded if they were going away. Its also very important for medical research/statistics purposes. How else are they going to keep track of health outcomes based on control methods?
If they're on orals only, then use the hypoglycemic med codes. If on insulin and orals, you're supposed to use both codes.

If type of DM isn't specified in pt record, you're still supposed to code for type 2 as the default.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC