Wiki Diabetic Education & Getting Paid

Lowell, AR
Best answers
We recently had a Dr. from BCBS visit our office and inform us we should be billing for the time the nurses spend with the patients educating them on their diabetes, glucose monitors, medications, and diet. We have several RN's that work here, but none of them have special training or a special certificate for this. Our doctor has pre printed patient education materials, diets, and glucose monitors that the nurses will spend sometimes 30 minutes going over with the patient.

Can I bill for this if an RN is providing patient education and training for a diabetic?

Do I use G0108 & G0109 for all payers?

Do we need a special kind of RN for this?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Diabetic Education

CMS has specific guidelines for Diabetes Self-Management Training.
Please see this MLN article:

If the Dr. was from the insurance company (BCBS), didn't he/she relay anymore information to you about this other than you should be billing it?

Double check with BCBS about their requirements for the use of a certified nurse diabetic educator.
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