Wiki Diabetes


Milton, WI
Best answers
Can I get some insight from all the coders out there please?

Diabetes "with" peripheral neuropathy or diabetes "with" ulcer

Can I assume a relationship with the diabetes and the neuropathy or the ulcer when the dr. is using the term "with" or does he have to state that it is due to or say diabetic peripheral neuropathy???

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer me:eek:
Words such as "with," "with mention of," "associated with," mean both terms in the title must be present, but this doesn't necessarily indicate a cause-effect relationship. Based on your diagnostic statement, you can dual code both.
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diabetes with manifestations

In a recent HCC Webinair it was stated that using the word "with" is iffy to connote causation and recomended that for clarity that providers learn to assess the manifestation itself as peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes or as diabetic neuropathy. Where I work we use "with" as causation, but are trying to get the providers out of that habit.