Wiki Diabetes w/manifestation


Mesa, AZ
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Have a pt who has been diagnosed with 250.60 and is in the office for management, there is no mention of the neurological manifestaion for the office visit, just speaking about diabetes. Would this be coded as 250.00 if pt is controlled or is it coded w/250.60 and the manifestion code required. Thank you for the help.

To code a diabetes with manifestation code the provider must document the manifestation as well as that it is due to the diabetes.
There is a neurological condition in the chart. But for the DOS, per EMR, pt was in for dm management and the nueurological condition was not discussed. Would it be 250.0x only?
There is a neurological condition in the chart. But for the DOS, per EMR, pt was in for dm management and the nueurological condition was not discussed. Would it be 250.0x only?
It truely depends in how the encounter note for this visit was documented. Not how the provider codes it or how it has been coded in the past but how the provider documents this encounter. If this encounter does not document the neurological condition as being diabetic or due to the diabetes then you code diabetes non complicated