Wiki Diabetes education G0109


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I had this question posed to me and I was not sure of the answer- Does anyone have any advice? See below:

Can a physician bill for an E/M service (99201-99215) and the diabetes educator bill cpt G0109 on the same day? (Diabetes educator is certified with ADA and has her own NPI with Medicare).

My thoughts on this are that we can bill to Medicare separately- one under the physician and the other under the educator. I looked in the CCI edit book and it shows no edits for the 2 services. Does anyone know if there are issues with billing these services together with Medicare and/or commercial payers? Also, is there a place when credentialing that you can indicate such ADA certifications to prevent denial (we have several denials stating we aren't certified to do this training but we are)?

I'm new to this type of billing and appreciate any feedback.
