Wiki Diabetes 1 and Diabetes 2

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Can we code both diabetes 1 and diabetes 2 if both are mentioned in the assessment and there is MEAT for both in the medical report.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
There are Excludes1 notes on both the E10 and E11 codes that prevent these from being coded together unless the criteria for an exception has been met. I would refer you to the Excludes1 instructions in the ICD-10 guidelines and code both if the documentation indicates the conditions are unrelated to each other or query the provider if it is not clear.
I agree with Thomas on this one. The Excludes 1 notes prohibit us from coding both E10 and E11. However, I would personally go with the code that is best supported if both conditions have MEAT documented. Is this a combined DM1 and DM2 (LADA) or DM 1.5? If the latter, then documentation must be specific about DM 1.5, and not based on our own conclusions.

I think @second to none is stating their response that way, since E11 also INCLUDES diabetes NOS; but I have not seen any specific CC about this preference.

Hope this is helpful :)