Wiki Dexa scan for steroid use


Quincy, MA
Best answers
If a patient under 65 who uses steroids to treat MS comes in for a dexa scan which is normal do you use V82.81? I know you would use V58.65 for the long term steroid use but can that be the primary dx? :confused:
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I would not use V58.83. That code is used for drug monitoring. It's measuring the level of a specific drug.

I would use (and do) V58.65. The dexa scan is to check if there has been any damage to the bones during the course of this drug therapy.
That is what drug monitoring is. The V58.83 is how coding clinics also indicate is the correct way to code a dexa scan when the reason for the scan is due to the drug. In addition per coding clinic the V58.6 codes are to be used secondary only.
You can't use V58.65 as a primary Diagnosis as per the guidelines under Chapter 18.b; 18.3; and I.C.18.e.

I agree with Mitchellde
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