Wiki Dexa Scan (77080) Dx Denials


Local Chapter Officer
Frankfort, KY
Best answers
I am a coder in KY and have started getting @ mid February, medical necessity denials from Medicare when billing my dexa scans. We perform & read the scan. I have used v45.77 (total hysterectomy) as my Dx. This used to pay. I have looked under the LCD's & NCD's and am assuming that it is no longer payable.

Any recomendations?


Hold on and wait for this....The dr gave the dx 401.9 (hypertension). Which I know that I cannot use. The hysterectomy was the only thing close that I could come up with. There isn't anything else :confused:

Why did he order the dexa? If it was for screening then you will need to use screening v code and it will be patient responsibility
Most of the LCD'S for the dexa scans have to have dx codes such as osteoporisis, or osteopenia, or menopausal condtions.. I have never seen hypertension on the LCD. The codes are pretty limited to what is covered.
Hold on and wait for this....The dr gave the dx 401.9 (hypertension). Which I know that I cannot use. The hysterectomy was the only thing close that I could come up with. There isn't anything else :confused:


For dexa we can code osteoporisis, osteopenia, or menopausal condtions if not documentation for those condition than we can code screening (V82.81) as primary diagnosis.