Wiki Detailed Physical exam requirements

Miami, FL
Best answers
So, I have the following scenario and I am hoping that you guys can help me

I have a physician that is billing a 99214. This is what he has documented for the exam...

GENERAL APPERANCE: Vital signs noted above, NAD, pleasant and conversant
SKIN: No ulcer or lesions. Normal turgor and temperature.
HEART: Regular heart rate and rhythm, no murmurs, gallops or rubs.
LUNGS: Clear auscultation bilaterally. Normal respiratory effort.
ABDOMEN: Soft, non-tender, no rebound, no guarding, non-distended, no masses, no hepatosplenomegaly.
MUSCULOSKELETAL: Gait is steady. Moves all extremities

Now I know for level 99214, you have to have 12 bullet points from any of the organ systems. But I am having trouble finding the 12 bullet points within this exam.

Can you guys please help me and tell me if this is sufficient for 99214? If so can you please break it down for me so that I can better understand? Thanks in advance!!!!!!
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