Wiki dermagraft

Peggy M

Bismarck, ND
Best answers
We have a physician who is using Dermagraft. The rep from there told him to use 15004 the week before the application when he does his debridement. Here is a copy of a note of what he is doing.....

diabetic foot ulcer
full thickness
The ulceration was debrided sharply preparing the wound site with a 15 blade to remove viable and nonviable tissue in preparation for skin graft.

When you look up 15004, it seems more extensive than what he is doing. I was looking at 11041. Does anyone else use Dermagraft? Are you billing 15004 when you are preparing the ulcer and if so are they debriding or excising when doing the preparation.
My doc uses dermagraft. I would not use the 15004- I agree with you. My doc uses 11040-11041 the week prior ( he ususally does a light debridement right before appying the graft, but that is included)

I have read the 2007 cpt insiders view regarding this code and it indicates the use of general anesthesia (15004)

Never trust a rep- never

Are you going to use the 15365 the day you apply graft??
Thanks! We don't trust the company rep, but most of the docs do:( Yes, we will use the 15365 when we apply the dermagraft. Thanks for the help!