Wiki Depression and Anxiety


Green Mountain, IA
Best answers
How do you code a patient who has depression and anxiety? Do you code the two conditions separately? Or can you use F41.8, which is what our providers are using. This is what I have found == depression and anxiety are not automatically linked. This means you should assign separate codes to the two conditions unless it's documented that they are connected. So, the Coding Clinic recommends you use codes such as F32.9 (Major depressive disorder, single episode, unspecified) and F41.9 (Anxiety disorder, unspecified) “when the documentation has not established a linkage between the depression and the anxiety.” However, it would be appropriate to use F41.8 (Other specified anxiety disorders) when “the provider does indicate a relationship between the two conditions.” That’s because ICD-10 lists anxiety depression (mild or not persistent) and mixed anxiety and depressive disorder as synonyms for the code.
I prefer to have my providers specify the depression and code depression and anxiety seperately.

This is best practice, but it wouldn't be inappropriate to use the F41.8 if there is no other supporting documentation.
Hi Mgrove,
You can code separate dx F32 and F41 separately. But if therapist give you description of Adjustment DO with mixed anxiety and depressed mood = dx F43.23. Which is MACRA highlighted dx code. Also another dx is F34.1 which is Dysthymic DO phrase dx listed under has Persistent Anxiety with Depression. Also dx F41.8 is good too as lgardner stated.
Well I hope this info helps a bit more
Lady T
Hi Mgrove,
You can code separate dx F32 and F41 separately. But if therapist give you description of Adjustment DO with mixed anxiety and depressed mood = dx F43.23. Which is MACRA highlighted dx code. Also another dx is F34.1 which is Dysthymic DO phrase dx listed under has Persistent Anxiety with Depression. Also dx F41.8 is good too as lgardner stated.
Well I hope this info helps a bit more
Lady T
Thank you !!
Hi Mgrove,
You can code separate dx F32 and F41 separately. But if therapist give you description of Adjustment DO with mixed anxiety and depressed mood = dx F43.23. Which is MACRA highlighted dx code. Also another dx is F34.1 which is Dysthymic DO phrase dx listed under has Persistent Anxiety with Depression. Also dx F41.8 is good too as lgardner stated.
Well I hope this info helps a bit more
Lady T
I prefer to have my providers specify the depression and code depression and anxiety seperately.

This is best practice, but it wouldn't be inappropriate to use the F41.8 if there is no other supporting documentation.
Thank you!!