Wiki Depression and Anxiety - New Question


Vallejo, CA
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AHA Coding Clinic 3Q 2011 - Depression and Anxiety


What is the code assignment for depression and anxiety?


Assign codes 311, Depressive disorder NEC, and 300.00, Anxiety state, unspecified, for a diagnostic statement of depression and anxiety. Code 300.4, Dysthymic disorder, is not appropriate since the provider has not established a linkage between the two conditions. When there is no association between the two conditions, assign separate codes. If, however, the provider documents depression with anxiety, assign code 300.4, Dysthymic disorder.

--- I've practiced this since I read this however I have a question of my own that I hope someone may have an opinion on ..

The definition of Dysthymic:
According to the diagnosis manual DSM-IV of 1994, dysthymia is a serious state of chronic depression, which persists for at least two years (1 year for children and adolescents).

No where in the definition does it mention ANXIETY .. although in the ICD9 book there is notation of anxiety and a one line "presistent anxiety depression" in ICD10 ..

Is it because the coding clinic 'said' we were to use it if depression and anxiety were linked by the provider otherwise we needed to have coded separately?

Is it still required that we do so or should I send a question to the coding clinic to get an update on it? thoughts?
I was able to get this question answered this is what I was sent:

There have ALWAYS been situations where ICD-9 (now ICD-10) doesn?t match DSM-___. It?s completely irrelevant when coding. The DSM has never been an official code set, and it is not an official code set under the law (HIPAA). Therefore, you follow the ICD-9/ICD-10 instructions when coding. If and when the DSM becomes an official code set, then you follow DSM when coding.

So in other words; we follow the ICD-9/ICD-10 guidelines and when not sure you inquire with AHA Coding Clinic and what the coding clinic says; goes!

thank you.