Wiki Depo Provera injection


Mansfield, OH
Best answers
I recently went to my gynecologists for my quarterly Depo Provera injection for dysmenorrhea. During this visit the nurse practitioner came in the exam room and asked if I was there for my injection (yes) and was I having any problems (no). There was no ROS done, no medications reviewed and no PFSH done, but they billed a 99212. When I called the office to dispute the claim based on lack of medical necessity for the office visit, I was told the office visit was billed based on MDM. This makes no sense to me, the MDM was done at my yearly in July not in February when I was there for the sole purpose of an injection. Everyone I have talked to feels this was billed incorrectly. Do you feel it was correct to bill this office visit?
Thank You
Lisa Harding
There should not have been an office visit charged. I agree the MDM was made at the prior visit. I think the office where you recieved your injection should review their policy.
I agree with the people who have already responded in that there should not have been an E/M charged. If you have already spoken to the billing office/ coding supervisor I would request documentation from the visit and contact your insurance company. Now in the age of high-deductable insurance I check everything that shows up on my families statements and EOB's.