Wiki Depo or other contraception with office visit


West Palm Beach, FL
Best answers
Good afternoon,

I know I have read many threads on depo's, and implants. My question is, can a patient come in already decided to have the certain contraceptive and is scheduled to have that contraceptive, the documentation states only that the patient came in for the contraceptive and it is billed out as an office visit (25 modifier) and the contraceptive? IF they cannot, under what circumstances can they? If the clinicians ask the patient how they are doing on the depo, are they having any bleeding, ect... does this warrant a separate visit and why not? Is this included in the reimbursement for the giving of the contraceptive? If so, is there any guidelines on this that I can easily go to and print off.

Sometimes, a link is left and it is broken up with a "..." and I cannot go the page or you have to be a paid member of that organization, such as ACOG. I really need some good feed back to take to back so I can explain this fully why or why not.

Thank you EVERYONE for your help.
Hopefully this helps. I went to the ACOG meeting 2 weeks ago and this was briefly mentioned. You can bill a separate e/m if counseling was discussed and documented.
I would say 99212-25. If they were given information to take home and decide then come back for the IUD then you can not. There has to be other documentation to support
the 99212.

Sarah CPC
Bentonville, AR