Wiki Dental Examination codes in ICD-10


Reno Nevada
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Are these codes ok to use for a dental examination even though we are not always doing the cleaning?

Z01.20-Encounter for dental examination and cleaning without abnormal findings.

Z01.21-Encounter for dental examination and cleaning with abnormal findings
The cleaning is not always done when we do an examination but there doesn?t seem to be any other ICD-10 primary diagnosis to use for dental.
Hello, I have this same question as above. I am reluctant to use it because a cleaning was not done. The patient has dentures, but gets a yearly exam, no cleaning. What is the correct diagnosis code?
Hello Cmoser,:)🪥

When have a chance get your dental providers to glance at the K section of the ICD10 manual. There are diagnosis blocks for the following... Gingivitis, acute & chronic dx block K05, Deposits on Teeth K03.6, Dental Abscess K04.7, Dental cyst K04.8, Dental Caries K02 ,Mottled Teeth K00.3 and dx K03 differ reasons teeth erode
There are differ reasons why humans lose their teeth see dx block K08.10-.13, or K08.19
Exfoliation of teeth but must list reason too dx K08.0
TMJ dx M26.62 9 (Excludes 1 Rule on dx R68 & dx M62)
Jaw pain R68.84 can be used with K dx codes if documented
The Z codes used are one mention above but they have dx Z12.81 Screening of oral malignant neoplasm, Z13.810 Encounter for upper gastro
Z46.3 and Z46.4 Denture adjustments
Z48.814 Dental surgical after care
Well I hope helped you a little bit!

Lady T;)