Wiki Denial for Dexcom Diabetes Supples Insurance BCBS


Rome, GA
Best answers
I have 3 claims from 2017 being denied, insurance is BCBS of Mississippi. On line 14 of 1500 form, need completing for onset of diabetes? Could this be the reason for the denials?
yes it could be. what diabetes code did you use? And how is it documented. This may come from the inaccurate coding of Late adult onset diabetes which should be coded as type 1 if documented as late adult onset. However on many audits I have found this to have been mistakenly coded as type II. The diabetes type can be a determining factor in the coverage for supplies and services.
Ok so is it type one by provider documentation? A teenager can have type II. this is what the payer wants to know and why they want the date of onset.
yes, patient was hospitalized last summer and diagnosed at this time. The actual date he was admitted to the hospital needs to be on line 14 of the 1500?