Wiki Denial 37221 and 37252.


Flint, MI
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Hello Everyone,

I have originally billed 37221 LT, 37221 XU RT, 37252 XU RT, and 37253 XU LT got denied in full. I made a few changes to the claim sent it back out. Denied in full again. I am going to changing 37221 50. What should I do to get 37252 and 37253 to get paid ?
Do you have good documentation of IVUS being performed? Does it have a percentage of stenosis in the IVUS section of the report? Or did the doctor just say that an IVUS was performed?
I do have documentation that he did perform the IVUS on the right external iliac artery and left common iliac artery. I don't have percentages, but it gives a description of what they found like degree arc of calcification and it says stenosis is noted.
Correct me if I'm wrong but why all the XU mods? 37221 50 37252 rt 37253 LT. As Jim stated does your documentation back up the codes billed.