Wiki Denial 37211


Flint, MI
Best answers
Hello, I have billed 37211 RT, 37211 LT, and 36015 26, 50. It has been denied as services bundled and 36015 has denied for modifiers. Any suggestions on how to correct this ?


Make sure you are using the correct codes. 37221 is for a stent placement in the iliac artery, which bundles catheter placement. 36015 is for a catheter placement in the branch of a pulmonary artery.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC, R.T. (CV)
No, I meant cpt code 37211. The physician placed bilateral EKOS catheters into right lower segmental branch of the pulmonary artery and left lower pulmonary artery. What Cpt code would you use for this ?
I sorry, I misread the code. First, did the doctors do a pulmonary angiogram? Per Z-health, Catheter placements and diagnostic angiography are coded IN ADDITION to thrombolytic infusion therapy codes 37211-37214. So, I don't know why they denied as services bundled. As for catheter coding, you did that correctly. If the did the pulmonary angio., add 75743-59. Appeal it!
They didn't dictate a pulmonary angiogram, but they did get pressures of the pulmonary arties. Okay, thanks for your help.