Wiki Delivery Clarification


Jonesboro, AR
Best answers
I have to admit, OB is one of my weaknesses as far as definition coding. I have a problem I need to get advise on.
First, background, I work for a residency program. So my question is based upon the resident being the Dr. with an attending in the room at time of delivery.

We have quite a few "precipitous" deliveries. The one I have a question about is not as cut and dry as others (as if anything is in coding). The patient delivered in the bed, the resident and attending were in the room, however they did not actually "catch" the baby coming out. Of course they did all of the normal things after the baby was out.... but my concern remains they did not "catch". Does this count as a normal delivery and can someone point me to the best reference point so I will know these things?

I appreciate your help!!!

Tammy Frazier, CPC, CPCO, CPMA, CEMC
Anyone have any suggestions?

Last night as I was in the tub, where I do a lot of analyzing.... I convinced myself that it was a delivery.... However my Coders Desk Reference says "the physician delivers"..... so I am back to square one.

Tammy Frazier, CPC, CPCO, CPMA, CEMC
From my understanding, it is a delivery. The provider was there, did the work of delivering the placenta, the repair if necessary. The only way I wouldn't consider this a delivery is if the provider wasn't in the room and the nurse did the delivery.