Wiki Delivery and a consult

kathy a

Elizabethtown, PA
Best answers
Our physician did a Vbac for a patient who was not hers.Patient was brought to the hospital by ambulance. Our physician was called to the ER by the Er doc and ended up delivering the baby by VBAC.Along with the delivery, can I bill a consultation or ER visit?
Our physician did a Vbac for a patient who was not hers.Patient was brought to the hospital by ambulance. Our physician was called to the ER by the Er doc and ended up delivering the baby by VBAC.Along with the delivery, can I bill a consultation or ER visit?

Since it was the ER this does not qualify as a consultation. The ER doctor was not going to deliver the patient, they wanted your doctor to assume care of the patient. I assume your doctor admitted the patient, so you could try billing for an admit and then the VBAC since it was not your patient.