Wiki Degloving Code?

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Can someone please help me find a "degloving" injury code? I need this ASAP! I have looked under degloving and injury. I am not finding anything. Thanks!:p
It is degloving of the hand. That is the best code I have found as well. Wound, open, hand, complicated. I cannot believe they don't have a specific code for "degloving." To me that is definitely more serious than a complicated wound. Thanks!;)

I AM also stumped by degloving term. I will use the wound, open, hand, complicated code. If the gal who is proofing my coding tells me different, I will get back to you.
Degloving injury to the hand would be coded to Wound, open, hand. Only if the documentation states that there is a complication, such as delayed healing or infection and so on, would you use the complicated code.

Hope this helps.
Using coding software degloving injury to hand, unpspecified, uncomplicated: 8820.
Delayed healing/treatment/infection/retained foreign body: 8821
With tendon involvement: 8822
Be sure to code the accident codes and any procedure codes performed.