The CPT definition of 92920 is Angioplasty single major coronary artery or branch. And 92982 is the stent with angio artery or branch .
If the provider documents angioplasty on one (1) lesion in the Left Main and then places a stent another lesion in 1st Obtuse Marginal. Can 92920 and 92928. Be billed(this would be for a Medicare patient that bundles 92921 &92929.
This is to get clarification for an office that is interpreting the definitions differently.
Thanks for your help.
If the provider documents angioplasty on one (1) lesion in the Left Main and then places a stent another lesion in 1st Obtuse Marginal. Can 92920 and 92928. Be billed(this would be for a Medicare patient that bundles 92921 &92929.
This is to get clarification for an office that is interpreting the definitions differently.
Thanks for your help.