Wiki define Quality


True Blue
Local Chapter Officer
York, Pa
Best answers
I am wanting to get some opinions out there....

I have a note I am auditing where I have a statement that I am using for hpi as quality. Patient states he is doing and feeling well since last visit. This is a f/u visit. In the past I have used that statement as Quality?

I've been to seminars where that statement was used as quality as well, in this particular case it is the differance between a 99214 and 99215?

Would you consider this statement to be quality? What other things would you count as a quality statement other than the obvious sharp, dull, constant , intermittent, improved/worsening.

Any takers.
I consider this quality. This was one of examples provided in AAPC's PMCC manual and also by couple of MACs.
Depends on the context

Based on this statement alone, no I would not count this as a quality. Quality is a a description of the symptom, this statement is to general in my opinon. Now if there was something specific they were talking about then maybe I would count it but it really seems more like severity to me.

For quality I also count things like "yellow drainage", "spotty rash", etc.. in addition to the stabbing, dull, etc..

Constant and intermittent are elements of timing and improved/worsening are severity.

Based on this statement alone, no I would not count this as a quality. Quality is a a description of the symptom, this statement is to general in my opinon. Now if there was something specific they were talking about then maybe I would count it but it really seems more like severity to me.

For quality I also count things like "yellow drainage", "spotty rash", etc.. in addition to the stabbing, dull, etc..

Constant and intermittent are elements of timing and improved/worsening are severity.


Thanks Laura for your input... I am now doing e/m coding for a cancer center. I am stumbling upon alot of new terminology that I was not used to in the past. I'm actually looking for sometype of seminar for onocology coding?