Wiki Deep Peroneal Nerve Neurectomy


Lakeville, MN
Best answers
We are stuck on the correct code for deep peroneal nerve neurectomy. The provider is removing a portion of the never for pain control due to midfoot arthritis. We have looked at 64772, 64784, even saw something stating 64708 (also what the providers fellowship advisor suggested). Does anyone have any suggestions?!?

Op Note portion:
I then turned my attention to the deep peroneal neurectomy. A 3 cm longitudinal incision was made about 3 cm proximal to the ankle joint. The superficial peroneal nerve was not encountered in this approach. I dissected through the extensor retinaculum. Working lateral to the EHL tendon, is able to find the deep peroneal nerve on the lateral side of the neurovascular bundle. The nerve was then transected, removing approximately 2 cm of the nerve so that would not regrow. The wound was then copiously irrigated and closed with 2-0 Vicryl, 3-0 Monocryl and 3-0 nylon suture. The tourniquet was let down and a soft sterile dressing was placed.
What else was done at the same time? May depend on full op note, diagnoses and what other procedures if any. Was this all they did?
Sorry - late to the party.

This is coded 64772, just like excision of any other peripheral nerve that is not separately named. You’re not excising a neuroma, so cannot code for that, and you are not doing a neuroplasty, so 64708 inappropriate.