Wiki Dedicated CPC-A Triad, NC with 10yrs medical experience


Greensboro, NC
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I have 10 years of medical experience covering, working patient accountants researching and analyzing non payment by insurance companies, claims processing and CSR for a large medical insurance company, and working as a physical therapy technician/aide serving six therapists in a very fast paced rehab clinic serving both op/ip that involved anything and everything to get the job done, front desk, answer phones, schedule patients, input charges, housekeeping duties..

I have a VERY strong work ethic. Many supervisors have stated they wished they could clone me. I love the business side of medicine and the challenges, education and forward thinking it requires. I am so excited to have reached my goal to become a certified medical coder. My work experience shows me the business flow from initial patient encounter through the steps needed to get the claim paid. This experience can do nothing but make me a better coder. I can't wait to get started.

I am looking for a position in the medical coding field were I can use my skills, education and experience to further grow as a certified medical coder. Please contact me at for a copy of my resume. Thank you for your time and have a great day!